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Weekly Insights: Hiring Resources, Financial Tips, & Tools for Your Small Business

Oct 5, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Daily Data 📈

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Today's resource comes straight from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. If you're looking for avenues to attract talent, take the time to learn more about how to employ American veterans. Bonus: it'll add homegrown trust to your brand!

Hiring Our Heroes is a nationwide initiative to help veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses find meaningful employment opportunities. 

Did you know that veteran-owned small businesses employ over 4 million American workers, too?

9 Financial Tips for Flourishing During a Recession

We all want to protect our hard-earned money. In a recession, your finances can be put in jeopardy — but they don’t have to be. Recessions are a natural and inevitable part of the economic cycle. It’s best to prepare beforehand, but you can make smart money moving throughout a recession period and avoid a financial crisis.

1. Hold Your Investments
When the economy takes a turn for the worse, the temptation is to dump your investments before the losses become too much to bear. This sudden and mass “jumping ship” is what leads to the start (or worsening) of a market crash. Instead of mitigating losses, you end up losing more than if you held on and waited for the market to turn in your favor.

2. Prioritize Job Security
Recessions mean job loss. While you may feel secure in your position, there’s no harm in making yourself an invaluable asset. In one regard, you can target “recession-proof” industries, like healthcare. If you’re not looking for a career change, up your game. Learn more, develop coveted skills, and prove yourself to be indispensable.

Read the full article here

The Take

Looking to take advantage of the kinds of resources that can set you apart as a small business owner? Let us save you some time on Google AND some money while we're at it. Save these tips for when you're ready to learn, grow, and grind ahead.

Preview of "11 Cheap or Free Tools for Small Businesses"

Click the picture above to download the Take of the week! 

The Word

Check out our recommended reading for the week: 

  • 15 Tax Deductions and Benefits for the Self-Employed (Investopedia)
    • Sure, when you start you own business, you can begin writing off your lunchtime runs to Taco Bell. Just don't forget that there are plenty of other ways to maximize the tax advantages of self-employment.
    • Why should you care? Knowing the benefits and deductions you're eligible for adds up to more money your business can make you both in the short- and long-term. 
  • How Venture Capitalists Make Decisions (Harvard Business Review)
    • Are you curious about what "venture capitalist" are, what they do, and how they make money? We were too, but this article started to pull back the curtain.
    • Why should you care? There are lessons to be learned from this mysterious figures that apply to your your investments, your side hustles, and your long-term wealth goals.
  • 10 Ways Companies Are Fighting the Burnout Epidemic (Forbes)
    • Did you know that 76% of employees say that the stress they feel at work affects their mental health with more serious conditions, like anxiety or depression? This "burnout epidemic" has had a ripple effect, with more Americans resigning and/or choosing to work from home. 
    • Why should you care? Taking steps to combat burnout when you see the signs will make for a happier team and a better business. 


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