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5 min read

No Risk, No Reward ðŸ˜Ž

Sep 13, 2022 3:30:00 PM

Daily Data ðŸ“ˆ

We're back with more Scary Retirement Statistics to Help Shake You Up™—but if you're just tuning in, you can catch up here

  • Only 12% out of the 54% that have a retirement strategy have written it down.
  • The price of a comfy retirement has gone up. American savings expectations have increased 10% between 2020 and 2021—and inflation is not going to help it slow down anytime soon! 
  • In 28 of the 284 U.S. metros, retirees would need more than $1 million to retire and maintain an average lifestyle
  • About 7% of the annual household retirement income goes to health care expenses, on average. 
  • 35% of people who plan to work in retirement do so for lack of retirement savings.

Duck Dynasty GIF: I'm in my prime!If you work in your Golden Years, it should be because you’re pursuing a passion. Don't skimp on your retirement plan, even if you're in your 20's or 30's! 

Sources: Annuity.org, Retirement Industry Trust Association, Magnify Money by Lendingtree

Assess Your Risk Tolerance With These 7 Questions 

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Whether you’re an investor, an entrepreneur, or a person with a pulse navigating the world, you have an inherent level of risk tolerance. It’s the amount of risk that you’re comfortable taking – what you’re willing to lose. 

If you're an investor, striking a balance between what you could win versus what you could lose comes with the territory. Even if you aren't, don’t let anyone tell you how much risk you should be willing to take, because it varies for everyone! 

Read the full article here.

Strategies for Maintaining a Booming Business During a Recession

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While the U.S. has been in a state of inflation (or stagflation depending on who you ask), it’s naturally led to all of the traditional signs of a recession.

While economists usually declare recessions in hindsight, the economy has been slowing down. Combined with the burden of crushing costs of living, trouble is on the horizon.

So, what can business owners do to ensure that their ventures stay healthy and growing even in trying economic times?

Read the full article here.

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