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4 min read

Weekly Insights: RE Investing 101

Dec 21, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Daily Data 📈

Real estate investing is on the rise, according to recent Redfin findings. Investors went big in an already big year, spending over 60 billion on 90,000 homes in one quarter: a record across the board.

Percentage of all home sales attributed to investors In part, hungry investors were to blame for some of the pace and price of real estate trends, as investors paid an average of $120,000 over the national median home price and 77% of all investor deals were paid in cash.

That doesn't mean you have to be flush with cash to jump into the investing game. With supply on the rise and prices cooling off, now's a good as an opportunity as ever.

Regardless, investors seemed turned on to what we at The Grind have known for some time: SFRs are in.

It was single-family properties that made up three-quarters of investments, over condos and apartments at a record-low 17%. For all of the ways 2021 investors may have overinflated the market, in that respect we have to say they were pretty wise

See the full report, and The Real Deal's take, for yourself.

8 Reasons To Make Buy-and-Hold Real Estate Part of Your Investing Strategy

Gif of man yelling and clutching steering wheel

Homebuying has remained an integral part of the American Dream partly because owning real estate is considering an investment. Appreciation and growing equity make for compelling incentives!

While a personal residence alone won’t build long-term wealth in the modern age, a buy-and-hold real estate investment strategy will.

Read the full article here.

The Take

The end of the calendar year will be here before you know it. Don't waste your time making a list of resolutions you may or 👀 may not fulfill. Instead, focus on what's right in front of you and get your finances nice and tidy in time for 2022.

Preview of "The Comprehensive Year-End Financial Checklist"

Click the picture above to download the Take of the week! 

The Word

Check out our recommended reading for the week: 

  • The Top 12 Real Estate Strategies Investors Should Know About (GeekWire)
    • If you're new to the world of real estate investing, here's a quick guide to the different routes you can take. But let's be clear: there's no "right" way to invest. You have to decide for yourself which risks you're willing to take for which rewards. 
    • Why should you care? Reality TV and TikTok can easily paint a picture that is narrow in focus. Do your research before picking a strategy for yourself.
  • But Seriously, Don't Buy Cheap Houses (The Grind Podcast)
    • Why not, you might be asking. Well, Chris has an answer, and it's based on a long history of marketing and misinformation. Don't fall for the hype. And if you missed the first installment, catch up now
    • Why should you care? Short answer: there's a reason why cheap real estate is cheap. 
  • 2 Factors That May Impact the Real Estate Market in 2022 (RealSimple)
    • Among the major factors in buying one house is how much and who's interested. The real estate market writ large is not too different.
    • Why should you care? Pay attention to the signs well before you jump in.


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