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4 min read

Red Flags to Avoid 🚩 (In Yourself & Others)

Oct 4, 2022 3:30:00 PM

Daily Data 📈

GIf of Alex Trebek through the years

In the World Forum's recent study investigating workplace trends in light of "The Great Reshuffle," one of the most interesting takes is the generational divide on employee benefit preferences. So, what are all those different people on your team looking for?

  • Deloitte confirms that a whopping 77% of Gen Z ranks organizational values at the top of their priority list.
  • Meanwhile, 70% millennials are shopping for an employer with the best fertility benefits. Health care was also the top contender for Gen X employees.
  • Baby boomers are content with "the traditional benefit" buffet: health, vision, dental, and a good pension plan.
  • Overall? Workplace diversity, equity, and inclusiveness initiatives were definitively top of mind.
Don't miss out on great talent by overlooking what might be most important to them! (Sources: World Economic Forum, Deloitte, EBN)


If You Think You're Leading a Badass Team, These Facts Might Be Hard to Swallow

Queen Elizabeth II portrait by Andy Warhol

They say “heavy is the head that wears the crown,” and that’s not just reserved for royalty. Leaders carry a great deal of responsibility!

If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, you’re a leader, period. The truth is that leaders are rarely doing what they should be to ensure a thriving business.

Let these eye-opening statistics transform how you approach your leadership role.

Read the full article here.

7 Red Flags You Should Never Ignore in a Business Partner

GIF of canoers under water

Most investors, entrepreneurs, and business owners are going to work with partners. Whether you’re looking for a partner in the truest sense – going in on a business or investment venture together – or partnering with a professional service or company, due diligence is essential.

To trust blindly is to risk everything.

Read the full article here.

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