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Weekly Insights: Starting Out & Going Strong

Dec 7, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Daily Data đŸ“ˆ

Did you know that the average American is more confident in Small Business™️ than they are in nearly any other major US institution? That's due to your hard work out there, entrepreneurs! 

Graph of Average Age of Business StartersBut if you're one of those still on the fence, unsure if the entrepreneur's life is for you, let's break down some myths—and missed opportunities—you might have.

Let's get one thing straight: there's no such thing as too young or too old to get started. You want to know why the average age for an entrepreneur starting their business is 42? It's because data has shown us that 42 truly is the average, and entrepreneurs get their start at a variety of ages!

Arguably more important than age, though? Help. And not just from employees. In those critical first months of business, having a mentor on your side is invaluable—literally.

Graph of entrepreneurs with mentors, entrepreneurs who attributed growth and survival of business to mentors, and entrepreneurs without mentors who wish they had one

The team behind The Grind will be the first to tell you: there's no shelf life on being an entrepreneur. Ask for help, and don't let anything hold you back. 

Statistics gathered by Legal Zoom and Kabbage.

Top 10 Traits Entrepreneurial CEOs Have in Common

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Are entrepreneurs born or made? While some traits are inherent, we can also acquire and hone the qualities that make entrepreneurial leaders great.

When we look at some of the most successful entrepreneurial CEOs, we see common threads. Learning from them and making their qualities and skills your own takes time, but it will make your entrepreneurial journey that much easier.

Read the full article here.

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The Take

Don't forget to gift yourself something that keeps giving. This week, we're continuing our best-of list with... books! Now, if you know us, you know we don't always fall for the flashy titles. Regardless, these are sure to keep the season bright.

Preview of "Deck the Halls & Download This Part Two: Books"

Click the picture above to download the Take of the week! 

The Word

Check out our recommended reading for the week: 

  • 4 Visa Programs That Can Help Employers Solve Their Workforce Needs (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
    • No, this isn't about immigration or legal loopholes. This is a bonafide resource for navigating systems already in place to employ great help. 
    • Why should you care? Everyone's dealing with shortages. Time to get smart.
  • Starting a Business With Your 401(k)? Be Careful. (NY Times)
    • A common question is how to fund your start-up. This is one story to keep in mind when looking for the answer.
    • Why should you care? Don't fall into a sinkhole before you've even gotten started.
  • What Great Mentorship Looks Like in a Hybrid Workplace (Harvard Business Review) 
    • What happens if your mentor isn't available for coffee? What happens when they live states—or oceans—away? 
    • Why should you care? Remote and hybrid work environments are here to stay. Don't lose out on great mentoring because of it. 


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