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4 min read

Stick Around Through the Ups & Downs

Apr 12, 2022 3:30:00 PM

Daily Data 📈

We all know that the statistics are against small businesses making it past their first year. While 20% of independent businesses close after two years, you might be interested to learn that 92% of franchisees report that they're still going strong after two years. 

Sure, franchising might not seem like the typical approach for an entrepreneur, but rest assured there are plenty of benefits. Someone else has already done the hard work of building a model that works, a brand that's recognizable, and earning discounted rates with vendors. It's essentially a "turnkey" business!giphy-Mar-31-2022-01-54-39-65-PM

That doesn't mean there aren't risks involved. If you're not interested in the numbers side of business, franchising may not be for you. Allwork recommends you pay close attention to the franchise's disclosure document, in particular Item 19. In other words, this process requires as much due diligence as any other investment!

Sources: NeighborlyAllwork

7 Money Management Strategies to Ward Off Inflation

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Worried about inflation? You’re not alone. In February, inflation rose the highest percentage we’ve seen in forty years. With that in mind, how can you – an investor, entrepreneur, or small business owner – protect your wealth? When inflation threatens your nest egg, here’s what you need to do... 

Read the full article here.

The Take

A solid business plan is only half of the equation. How will you market yourself? How will people take notice of you? Will they know who you are and what you do from their very first interaction? It all comes down to branding!

Preview of "Simple Steps to Create Stellar, Standout Branding"

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The Word

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