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4 min read

Where Does Money Come From?

Mar 15, 2022 3:30:00 PM

Daily Data 📈

Worried that you don't have that extra degree to give you a leg up in your field? Well, chances are you're skipping out on a bad investment. A new study from the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity evaluated the return on investment of graduate programs and found that 40% of master''s degrees and 14% of other advanced degrees have a negative return.

Chart of "Safe" and "Risky Bets" when it comes to paying for an advanced degreeFinishing school and/or pursuing advanced degrees has grown in popularity, in part due to the pandemic, with many would-be students citing "career advancement" as their primary rationale.

What's shocking is that the most popular fields of study have the least return on advanced degrees. Considering that the average degree increases lifetime earnings by only $83,00-, and some can have a negative return of $400,000, this is an investment that matters!

Read the roll-up to see for yourself.

6 Considerations for Entrepreneurs Raising Their Own Capital

Gif of John Travolta confused inside a wallet

For small business owners and entrepreneurs, saving up doesn’t always cut it. It’s very likely you will need the help of investors of some kind: from conventional bank loans to venture capital.

If you have a sound business model, there’s someone out there willing to financially support it. But no matter how you raise capital for your small business, there are a few things to keep in mind…

Read the full article here.

The Take

We live in times that are both small business-friendly and risky all at once. It has never been easier to launch a business – but the state of the economy leaves little room for error. Rather than waiting for tough times to test the mettle of your business model, do it yourself.

Preview of "How to Develop a Stress Test for Your Business Model"

Click the picture above to download the Take of the week! 

The Word

Check out our recommended reading for the week: 

  • Small business boom is real (LinkedIn)
    • New company applications are up 53% from pre-pandemic trends. FIFTY-THREE PERCENT. 
    • Why should you care? If you're one of the 5.4 million out there, hell yeah! Time to take stock, and time to stand out. 
  • 5 New Finance Books That Are Changing How Women Do Money (Real Simple)

    • This round up says it best: "All of the authors featured here are women you want to have in your corner, cheering you on as you prioritize saving, investing, and retiring."

    • Why should you care? These are people who are "changing the money game," period. 
  • How Licensing Helps Protect Your Idea (Inc)
    • Being an entrepreneur doesn't necessarily mean starting a business from the ground up. Often, it simply means being the first to think of the next essential product or service. 
    • Why should you care? Be as diligent in vetting companies to run with your idea as you would buying a house or going into business with a partner. 

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